sábado, 29 de febrero de 2020


In today's session, we have been told about the different materials we can use in order to make paints. The handmade paints have a better quality and longetivity than artificial ones, that is the reason why, our teacher has encouraged us to use different types of techniques to make paints. After that, he got us to paint by using some brushes on a DINA-3 feelings such as hatred, love, sadness, joy ... In fact, we had to choose one of them and express it in any way we could on the piece of paper. My personal election was to depict joy because I always try to be positive and believe in a world of happiness, in which we as teachers need to do our best to accomplish it. Then, the first image that came to my mind was to express such an idea as this one:

The title of this drawing is Paradise because it represents a landscape that transmits quietness, joy, peace ..., it is a place where many people would like to be in. Actually, this pictures contains a series of elements that are meaninful regarding happiness. The rainbow represents diversity and freedom, meaning that you can be whoever you want to be and love whoever you wish to love. Furthermore, the grasss is represented in a tilt way in order to show how the air (an element of tranquility and peace) is always there, although we cannot see it. The birds and the clouds play a similar meaning as the two previous ones explained, because they represent freedom, quietness and peace. Finally, the sun shows the light, that is to say, the happiness that lits up the rest of the elements of my drawing, without it, there would not be any diversity, freedom or peace. Another important key factor of the sun is the rainbow that comes out of it. I decided to place it like this because of a personal matter, that is to say, to summarise it in a cause and consequence sentence: "happiness is what makes me feel diverse".

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